Printable Flash Cards
Biological Rhythms template

Sample flash cards in this set:


This set includes the following cards:
CircadianA rhythm with a period of approx. 24 hours
CircatidalA rhythm with a period of approx. 12.5 hours
CircannualA rhythm with a period of approx. 365 days
Free RunningDescribes when the biological clock has no environmental cues
Biological ClockAn internal timing mechanism
Daily/yearly PatternBehaviours we see daily/yearly that are linked to changes in the environment
Rhythm PeriodThe length of a cycle of activity when under constant environmental conditions
ZeitgeberGerman for 'time giver'; this resets a biological clock and keeps the activity entrained to changes in the environment
SDP (short-day plant)A plant that is initiated to flower when nights are longer than a critical length
LDP (long-day plants)A plant that is initiated to flower when nights are shorter than a critical length
ExogenousExternally controlled
EndogenousInternally controlled
EntrainmentThe process by which the biological clock is kept in check with the environment; it is entrained with a zeitgeber
PhytochromeA pigment that is involved in flowering
Phase ShiftWhen the start of the activity cycle has changed time
CircalunarA rhythm with a period of approx. 29.5 days
Environmental CueA cue that gives an organism information on the time, resetting the biological clock
Vernalisation"chilling" period of seeds to accelerate flowering after planting

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