Great for expectant mothers and OB-GYNs can enjoy these flash cards of birthing terms.
There are 14 flash cards in this set (3 pages to print.)
To use:
1. Print out the cards.
2. Cut along the dashed lines.
3. Fold along the solid lines.
Sample flash cards in this set:
Questions | Answers |
What is the purpose of contractions in the first stage of labor? | Dilate the cervix |
What is the word for the widening of the cervix? | Dilation |
What is the purpose of contractions during the second stage of labor? | Push out the baby |
What is the definition of crowning during delivery? | Appearence of the baby's head |
What is the definition of breech position? | Feet or buttocks first |
What is the name of the process that sometimes occurs when there is an incision made in the vaginal opening during delivery? | Episiotomy |
What occurs when the baby is in breech position or the baby's heart rate suddenly drops? | Cesarean section |
What are the spaces in the baby's skull that flex to allow the head to pass through the birth canal? | Fontanels |
What condition is treated with lights? | Jaundice |
What is the primary purpose of a healthy baby's first visit to the doctor? | To assess the growth and development |
What is the most important thing to support when holding a newborn infant? | Head |
What is the liquid containing antibodies that is released from the breast prior to breast milk? | Colostrum |
What is the process of forming strong emotional ties? | Bonding |
What is the reflex that stimulates when something is put inside the infants mouth? | Sucking |