Printable Flash Cards
Crime Keywords template

Sample flash cards in this set:


This set includes the following cards:
DutyA moral or legal obligation
ResponsibilityA duty to care for or having control over something or someone
ConscienceThe inner feeling you are doing right or wrong
Crime against the personWrongdoing that directly harms a person, e.g. murder, assault
Crime against propertyDamaging items that belong to somebody else, e.g. vandalism
Crime against the stateAn offence aimed at damaging the government or a country, e.g treason
Religious offenceAn offence against religion, e.g. blasphemy, sacrilege
PunishmentSomething done to a person because they have broken the law
ReparationAn aim of punishment designed to help an offender to put something back to society
VindicationAn aim of punishment that means offenders must be punished to show that the law must be respected and is right
ProtectionKeeping the public from being harmed, threatened or injured by criminals
DeterrenceAn aim of punishment- to put people off committing crimes
ForgivenessBeing truly sorry and trying to change one's behaviour so as not to do the same again
RepentanceBeing truly sorry and trying to change one's behaviour so as not to do the same again
Young offenderA person under 18 who has broken the law
ImprisonmentWhen a person is put in jail for committing a crime
Prison reformA movement that tries to ensure offenders are treated humanely in prison
Death penalty
Community serviceUnpaid work that an offender performs for the benefit of the local community rather than going to prison
ProbationAn alternative to prison where an offender has to meet regularly with a probation officer to ensure that they do not re-offend. Movement may be restricted.
FineMoney paid as a punishment for a crime or other offence
Electronic taggingAn offender has to wear an electronic device which tracks their movement to ensure restrictions of movement observed
Community serviceUnpaid work that an offender performs for the benefit of the local community rather than going to prison
Early releaseWhen a prisoner is allowed out of prison even though they have not completed their sentence, or fulfilled the criteria for getting parole
Life imprisonmentA prison sentence that(theoretically) keeps people in prison until they die
ParoleWhen a prisoner is released without having completed their sentence, because they have behaved well and accepted their guilt. The prisoner is monitored to try to ensure that they do not re-offend.

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