Printable Flash Cards
Electricity template

Sample flash cards in this set:


This set includes the following cards:
ElectricityThe flow of electrons.
Potential DifferenceA measure of how much potential energy an electron has in one place compared to another place. The correct name for what is often called "voltage" or "electromotive force."
AmpsMeasurement of current flow through a conductor.
ConductorA substance or material that allows electrons, or electrical current, to flow through it.
CircuitThe path followed by a flow of electric current.
PowerEnergy used to do work measured in watts.
OhmA unit of electrical resistance defined as the resistance of a circuit with a voltage of one volt and a current flow of one ampere.
VoltA unit of electromotive force. The electrical potential needed to produce one ampere of current with a resistance of one ohm.
CurrentThe movement of electrons in a conductor measured in Amperes.
Joule1) Work done by the force of one neutron when its point of application moves through the distance of one meter in the direction of the force. 2) One watt-second.
WattA unit for measuring electric power.
ChargeElectricity produced by a surplus or a shortage of electrons in an object.
ProtonA basic particle in an atom's nucleus that has a positive charge.
ElectronA negatively charged particle that orbits the nucleus of an atom. The flow of electrons produces electricity.
NeutronA basic particle in an atom's nucleus that has a neutral electrical charge.
ResistanceThe opposition to current flow, expressed in ohms.
Direct CurrentElectric current in which electrons flow in one direction only. Opposite of alternating current.
Alternating Current (AC)Electric current that reverses directions at regular intervals.
InsulatorAny material that will not allow electricity to easily flow through.

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