Printable Flash Cards
Exercise Science template

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This set includes the following cards:
What is Human Movement StudiesField of understanding how and why people move, and the factors that limit and enhance our capacity to move
Why is human movement studies importantIt's central to understanding human biology, movement that occurs in team settings has an essential social and cultural component, knowledge is fundamental in optimizing health and preventing injuries
1st key point of emphasis of human movementfundamental daily skills, executing a highly practiced sport or skill, exercising for health, regaining function of an injured limb
2nd key point of emphasis of human movementImportant to gain a systematic research based approach to spread more knowledge
1st goal of human movement studiesGenerating knowledge through understanding of basic phenomena
2nd goal of human movement studiesApplying knowledge for the benefit of society
AdaptationExercise science and sub disciplines are constantly undergoing change
GrowthEmerging consensus of physical activity as a key health behavior should benefit fields
Disciplinessub sections of a body of knowledge that helps describe and explain the main domain of interest
ProfessionsAttempt to improve society by providing a regulated service
Movement potential and performance are influenced by many things...Biological factors, health factors, and social factors
kinesiologythe study of movement
Exercise ScienceConcerned with the application of science to all facets of human movement and physical activity
Sports ScienceNarrower, dealing with only applications to sports science
Phys EdTied to notions of a profession than the notions of an all encompassing discipline
Criteria for exercise science as a proffessionintellectual, responsible,knowledge derived from science and research, involves use of practical skills, representing professional organizations, high level of communication, and altruism
exercise science as an occupationmaster complex skills that are grounded in by theory and research, performing services, granted a monopoly by the community to supply certain services to it's members, guided by ethical codes to protect the health and wellbeing of clients
professions based on human movementProfessions have specific interest in application of knowledge, as a way of solving problems and enhancing society, can be controlled by professional bodies
physical activityAny body of movement that enhances health
ExerciseA type of physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive, and purposive
Physical fitness ACSMThe ability to perform moderate to vigorous physical activity without undoe fatigue and the capacity to maintain such ability through life
Health related fitnessCardiorespiratory, body composition, muscoskeletal fitness
skill related fitnessAgility, balance, coordination, speed, power, reaction time
Cardiorespiratory fitnessThe ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen during sustained Physical activity
body compositionrelative amount of fat and tissue
muscoskeletal fitnessflexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance
flexibilityfunctional capacity of joints to move through a full range of motion, specific to each joint of the body
muscular strengthability of muscle to exert force;max one effort force
muscular enduranceMuscle's ability to continue to perform without fatigue
WHO definition of healthHealth is a state of complete physical mental, and social well-being. not merely the absence of disease
why perform fitness testing?it reduces cardiovascular problems by 50%, those with disease or considered high risk are able to establish professional activity program, provides opportunity for individuals to be educated.
prior to exercise participationassess for known cardiovascular or metabolic disease, medical questionnaires, seek medical clearance if needed
ischemialack of blood flow
DyspneaAbnormally uncomfortable awareness of breathing
SyncopeLoss of consciousness
OrthopneaDiscomfort in breathing at rest in the supine position
SupineFace up laying down
EdemaFluid build up
TachycardiaHR above 100
BradycardiaHR below 60
intermittent claudicationInadequate bloodflow in the lower extremities resulting in pain during exercise
AtherosclerosisBuild up of plaque
Signs/symptoms of being high riskpain in chest, shortness of breath, dizziness, Orthopnea, edema, Palpitations, intermittent claudication, heart murmer, unusual fatigue
Why is a medical questionnaire necessarydetermine reasons for medical clearance, first line of defense, enhances a professionals ability to interperet data, better meet needs of the patient
extensive questionnaireAddresses every concern
Moderate QuestionnaireHistory symptoms and CVD risk factors
Simple questionnaire Par Q+Short but reliable, good for testing a lot of people
Questionnaires are required to address the following for prescreeningPrevious diagnosis, physical examination findings, history of symptoms, physical activity history, exercise goals
ACSM Risk FactorsAge, Family History, Smoking, Sedentary lifestyle, Obesity, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, prediabetes

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