Printable Flash Cards
Foodborne Illness template

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This set includes the following cards:
illness carried or transmitted to people by food people with compromised immune systems are more likely to get sickfoodborne illness
incident in which two or more people experience same illness after eating same food usually not in same householdfoodborne illness outbreak
potentially hazardous foodsusually foods with harmful bacteria: dairy eggs meat raw sprouts and seeds fish shellfish heat treated plant foods like cooked rice
what are the types of hazards that can cause illnessbiological: microorganisms, plants, seafood toxins chemical: cleaners, sanitizers, toxic metals physical: foreign objects accidentally get into food, chicken bone in chicken fillet
what are ways foodborne illness to happen more rapidlyTT: time temp abuse - food catering company leaves food out at room temp Cross-contamination - someone sneezing in food Poor personal hygiene -not washing hands after bathroom or picking pimples and touching food
Salmonellosisbacteria, commonly caused by contaminated food or water. farm animals carry; infected humans carry in feces contaminated food (poultry and eggs and dairy) or water
Shigellosisshigella found in feces of infected humans; occur when people eat contaminated food or water; flies
norovirus gastroenteritusoften transferred to food when infected food handlers touch food or equip w fingers that have feces on them food: RTE food shellfish
common food allergensdairy and milk egg fish and shellfish soy nuts wheat
PHFpotential hazardous foods (165 degF)
ContaminantA substance, such as a chemical or organism, that makes food unsafe to eat
Foodborne IllnessSickness caused by eating food that contains a contaminant.
MicroorganismA living thing so small that it can only be seen through a microscope.
ToxinPoison that can cause a illness
Food SafetyKeeping food safe to eat by following proper food handling and cooking practices.
SanitationPrevention of illness through cleanliness.
Personal hygieneThoroughly washing your body, face, and hands, you help to avoid transferring harmful bacteria when handling food.
Cross-ContaminationThe spread of harmful bacteria from one food to another.
PreserveTo prepare food in a way that allows it to be safely stored for later use
RecallImmediate removal of a product from store shelves

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