Printable Flash Cards
French and English Travel Terms template

Sample flash cards in this set:


This set includes the following cards:
a piedby/on foot
l'avionthe plane
la voiturethe car
le bateauthe boat
le velothe bike
l'horairethe schedule
la douanethe customs
la sortiethe exit
la valisethe suitcase
le billet aller-retourthe round trip ticket
le chemin de ferthe railroad
le guichetthe ticket window
le paysthe country
le volthe flight
les vetementsthe clothes
les genspeople
l'agent de voyagethe travel agent
le voyageur/la voyageusethe traveler
climatiseair conditioned
la cle/la clefthe key
le sejourthe stay
les moyens de transportthe means of transportation
acheter un billetto buy a ticket
conduireto drive
demander le cheminto ask for directions
durerto last
etre perdu(e)to be lost
etre a l'heureto be on time
etre en retardto be late
faire les valisesto pack the suitcases
faire un voyageto take a trip
louerto rent
partir deto leave from
venirto come
bon voyage!have a nice trip!
Il y aurathere will be
ou allez-vouswhere are you going? (formal)
ou vas-tu?where are you going? (informal)
volerto fly/steal
combien coute...?how much does ... cost?
allerto go
je vaisI'm going

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