Printable Flash Cards
Logical Fallacies template

Sample flash cards in this set:


This set includes the following cards:
Ad HominemThe attack upon a person for non-relevant traits they have rather than the viewpoint they hold.
Strawman ArgumentAn attack on an exaggerated position that an opponent does not truly hold to make their true position seem ridiculous or easier to oppose.
Appeal to IgnoranceArgues that something must be true (or false) because there is no evidence proving it otherwise.
False DilemmaArtificially limits many possible options down to two extremes, forcing a choice between the two.
Slippery Slope FallacyThe unsubstantiated argument that a fairly harmless action will lead to a chain of events that will ultimately result in something extreme, dangerous, or harmful.
Circular ArgumentA repetitive argument that repeats the same claim in multiple ways and uses that redundant argument as proof that the initial claim is true.
Hasty GeneralizationAn argument based on a few or insufficient examples or anecdotes rather than data that can be proven or verified.
Red Herring FallacyAn argument that hinges on something irrelevant to the subject that is used to distract or confuse the real issue.
Appeal to HypocrisyThe deflection of blame and criticism away from the self by pointing out the flaws or hypocrisy of the opponent.
Causal FallacyThe fallacy of coming to a conclusion without proper evidence or information (also mistaking correlation for causation).
Fallacy of Sunk CostsThe assumption that one must stick with something bad, unwanted, or harmful simply because they have already invested time, money, effort, etc. that they cannot get back.
Appeal to AuthorityApplying unearned credibility to a viewpoint simply because the person holding it is in a position of authority, especially if their credentials are not relevant to the subject.
EquivocationWords, phrases, promises, or arguments that are deliberately vague or designed to confuse, deceive, or have double meanings.
Appeal to PityAn attempt to exploit the feeling of empathy and pity in the listener to make them more lenient or understanding of a viewpoint.
Bandwagon FallacyThe assumption that something is good or right simply because a lot of other people support or believe in it.

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