Printable Flash Cards
Microbiology template

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This set includes the following cards:
What is microbiology?The study of small organisms (Things you need a microscope to see)
What is ology mean?The study of
What is micro mean?Small
What is bio mean?Living organism
What are the 6 categories of Microbes?1)Bacteria 2)Viruses 3)Fungi 4)protozoa 5)Algae 6)Prions
What is bacteria?Prokaryotic; small and simple in structure, have no membrane bound organelles
What are protozoa?Eukaryotic cells; aquatic life (pond life)
What are viruses?(A)cellular-or not cellular-obligate intracellular parasites(intra-must; cellular-inside cells; parasites-living off another cell)
What are algae?Eukaryotic and photosynthetic (make food from light) (pond scum)
What are Fungi?(yeasts, molds, mushrooms)- Eukaryotic cells, large with complex structures, have membrane bound organelles
What are prions?Infectious proteins (cause disease; ex: mad cow disease)
What does pathogenic mean?(Path-disease, genic-to create) Disease causing organisms (Less than 1% of microbes are pathogenic) (Over 99% are non-pathogenic)
What is Indigenous micro flora (AKA normal flora)?(Indigenous- original life, micro-small, flora-growing things)- The microbes that normally inhabit a healthy human body.
What are Saprophytes?Microbes that live off (eat) dead material
What are opportunistic pathogens?These are microbes that normally do not cause disease, however if given the opportunity, can cause disease.
What are decomposers?Important in allowing life to exist on earth (These microbes eat dead materials (Plants, insects, animals, fungi) and convert them into nutrients that plants can use to grow.
What are the 2 main types of Opportunistic pathogens?1) Our normal flora organisms 2)Super weak pathogens that can only infect really immune compromised people (HIV, Cancer)
What is an example of normal flora?Some people carry streptococcus pneumonia in their upper respiratory tract, they are not sick. This opportunistic pathogen can cause: pneumonia, sinusitis, bronchitis, otitis media(ear infection)
What are the 2 main mechanisms on how microbes cause disease?1) Microbial infection 2) Microbial intoxication
What is infection?When the growth of the organism results in damage and disease
What is Microbial infection?The growth of the microbe IN the host's body is the cause of tissue destruction and disease.
What is colonization?When microbes grow in or on a host but do not cause disease
What is Microbial Intoxication?The microbe grows somewhere and releases a toxin (a poisonous molecule) that when in the hosts body causes that damage (The toxin causes the disease). Many times the toxin is made in a food product than consumed (a form of food poisoning usually short acting after consumption)

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