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Phlebotomy template

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This set includes the following cards:
Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs)Tests to determine the concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide
ArteriospasmRapid contraction of arterial wall
Brachial ArteryLarge artery in the antecubital fossa
Capillary Blood Gas TestingAlternative to arterial blood gas testing
Collaterial CirculationAccessory supply of blood to a region by more than one artery
Dorsalis Pedis ArteryArtery on the foot
EmbolismObstruction on a blood vessel
Femoral ArteryArtery in the groin area above the thigh
Metal filing used to mix blood with additives in a small tubeRapid, shallow breathing
Modified Allen TestPartial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide (Pco2)
Test for collateral circulationAmount of carbon dioxide dissolved in the blood
Partial Pressure of Oxygen (Po2)Amount of Oxygen dissolved in the blood
Radial ArteryArtery supplying the hand
Respiratory Steady StateState required for arterial blood gas collection, in which blood gas concentrations are steady
Scalp ArteryArtery used for arterial blood collection in infants
ThrombosisClot formation within a blood vessel
Umbilical ArteryArtery used for arterial collection in infants
Arterial Collection is most often used for what type of testing?Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs)
List four conditions that produce abnormal ABG values.Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD), Lung Cancer, Diabetic Coma, Shock
What is the normal blood pH?7.35 to 7.45
What is the difference between acidosis and alkalosis?Acidosis is lower pH Alkalosis is higher pH
What is different about the syringe used for ABG collection.Besides alcohol, which other antiseptic must be used for arterial puncture?
The syringe has been pretreated with heparin to prevent coagulationPovidone-iodine or Chlorhexidine
What local anesthetic may be used to numb the site?Lidocaine
What safety precautions must be taken by the phlebotomist when collecting blood from an artery?You need a fluid-resistant gown, face protection, and gloves
What gauge needle is most often used for blood gas collection?20
Which test is used to determine collateral collection?Modified Allen Test
For an arterial collection, at what angle is the needle inserted into the artery?45 to 60
For an arterial collection, at what angle is the needle inserted into the artery?15 minutes
List five ABG sampling errorsAllowing air bubbles to enter the syringe Exposing the specimen to the atmosphere after collection Mixing insufficiently Puncturing a vein instead of an artery Using an improper anticoagulant
Name five reasons that ABG specimens may be rejectedAir bubbles in the specimen Clotting Failure to ice the specimen Improper or absent labeling Inadequate volume of specimen for the test
In which populations is capillary blood gas testing most commonly preformed, and on what part of the body is this procedure usually done?Pediatric Patients Heel
Why is capillary blood not as desirable as arterial blood for testing blood gases?Because it is a mixture of blood from the capillaries, venules, and arterioles and is mixed with tissue fluid
A normal pH is7.35
The ABG syringe is coated withHeparin
A typical needle gauge for ABG is collection is20
Which artery is most frequently used for ABG collection?Radial Artery
The modified Allen Test determinesCollateral Circulation
In an arterial collection, the needle should be inserted at a _______________ degree angle.45
The Modified Allen Test is preformed on the ________ and ________ arteries.Ulnar, Radial

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