Printable Flash Cards
Physical Characteristics of Minerals template

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This set includes the following cards:
CleavageProperty of minerals that break along smooth, flat surfaces.
Crystal StructureOrderly, repeating pattern in which the atoms in a crystal are arranged.
CrystallizationProcess by which atoms form a solid with an orderly, repeating pattern.
ExhibitTo display; to present for the public to see.
FractureProperty of minerals that break along rough or irregular surfaces.
LusterWay a mineral's surface reflects light.
MineralNauturally occuring, inorganic solid that has a crystal structure and a definite chemical composition.
OreDeposit of valuable metal-containing minerals that can be produced at a profit.
PropertyQuality or characteristic of an individual or thing.
StreakColor of a mineral's powder.
FoliationLayered appearance of a metamorphic rock that results from uneven pressures causing flat minerals to line up.
GrainIndividual rock particle.
LithificationProcess through which sediment turns into rock.
MagmaMolten rock locate within Earth.
RockNaturally occurring solid mixture composed of minerals, smaller rock fragments, organic matter, or glass.
SedimentRock or mineral fragments that are loose or suspended in water.
TextureGrain size and arrangement of grains in a rock.
DispositionProcess of laying sown sediment in a new location.
Extrusive RockIgneous rock that forms when lave cools and crystallizes on Earth's surface.
Intrusive RockIgneous rock that forms when magma cools and crystallizes inside Earth.
MetamorphismProcess by which sedimentary rocks that are subjected to high temperatures and pressure transform into metamorphic rocks.
Rock CycleSeries of processes that continually change one rock type into another.
UpliftProcess that moves large amounts of rock up to Earth's surface and to higher elevations.
LavaMagma that erupts onto the Earth's surface.

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