Printable Flash Cards
Plant Biology template

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This set includes the following cards:
PhotosynthesisA chemical process by which green plants produce food
Stomataholes located on the underside of the leaf through which air enters.
ChlorophyllPigment that makes plants green. This is necessary for photosynthesis to occur.
ChloroplastsTiny packages of chlorophyll contained in the cells of the leaf.
GlucoseA type of sugar; the food plants need in order to live.
MidribThe large vein in the middle of the leaf.
Cuticlethe waxy covering that coats the skin of the leaf and prevents water from escaping.
Shoot SystemThe part of the plant that is visible above the ground.
Root SystemThe part of the plant that is below the ground.
TaprootOne main root that goes deep into the ground.
Root CapA layer of tough protective cells that cover the end of the root.
Root HairsTiny projections near the end of a root that absorbs water and dissolved minerals from the soil.
Guard CellsA pair of cells that surrounds each stoma on a leaf to control how much water evaporates through the stomata.
CelluloseA tough, fibrous material manufactured by plant cells out of glucose and used to make cell walls.
TropismThe growth of a plant in response to a condition in its environment, such as gravity, water, light, or touch.
TreeA tall plant with a single woody stem
PerennialA type of plant that does not die after one season but lives for many years.
AnnualsPlants that live for only one year.
BiennialsPlants that live for two years.
DendrologistA scientist that studies trees.
Cambium LayerThe part of a tree's trunk where growth takes place.
Annual Growth RingAn inner band of light spring wood and an outer band of dark summer wood that make up one year's growth of a tree.
Broadleaf TreeA tree with broad, flat leaves; most bear flowers and produce seeds
Deciduous TreeA tree that loses its leaves in the fall.
ConiferA cone-bearing tree
EvergreenA tree that keeps its leaves year round.
SporesSingle cells produced instead of seeds in some plants.
RhizoidsA fern's roots that grow downward from the underside of the stem.
FrondsLeaves of a palm tree or a fern.
KelpA kind of brown alga that is the largest type of alga.
SaprophytesFungi that feed on dead matter.
MyceliumA network of cells strung together in a threadlike structure that makes up the main part of a fungus.
HyphaeTiny, white, hairlike structures of a mold.
Geotropisma plant's response to gravity
HydrotropismA plant's response to water.
PhototropismA plant's response to light.
ThigmotropismA plant's response to touch.
FruitAnything that forms from the ovary of a flower.
3 parts of a seed1. Embryo - miniature undeveloped plant. 2. Cotyledons - contain stored food for growing plant. 3. Seed Coat - covers and protects embryo.
BotanistScientist who studies plants.
Composite Plant FamilyLargest family of flowering plants (foods that come from this family: lettuce, artichokes, sunflower seeds.)
Pea Plant FamilyHigh protein plant (foods from this family: peas, green beans)
Grass Plant FamilyThe most important family of food-processing plants. (Wheat, barley, rye, oats, rice, and corn.)
FilamentsLong strings of cells laid end to end.
ParasitesAn organism that gets its nourishment by attaching itself to another organism and continuously taking in that organism's body fluid.
ClassificationThe process of arranging things into groups according to their similarities.

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