Use these flash cards to learn about all the rulers of England and Great Britain.
There are 65 flash cards in this set (11 pages to print.)
To use:
1. Print out the cards.
2. Cut along the dashed lines.
3. Fold along the solid lines.
Sample flash cards in this set:
Questions | Answers |
802-839 | Egbert |
839-858 | Ethelwulf |
858-860 | Ethelbald |
860-865 | Ethelbert |
865-871 | Ethelred I |
871-899 | Alfred the Great |
899-924 | Edward the Elder |
924-939 | Athelstan |
939-946 | Edmund I the Deed-doer |
946-955 | Edred |
955-959 | Edwy the Fair |
959-975 | Edgar the Peaceful |
975-978 | Edward the Martyr |
978-1016 | Ethelred II the Unready |
1016 | Edmund II Ironside |
1016-1035 | Canute |
1035-1040 | Harold I Harefoot |
1040-1042 | Hardecanute |
1042-1066 | Edward the Confessor |
1066 | Harold II |
1066-1087 | William I the Conqueror |
1087-1100 | William II Rufus |
1100-1135 | Henry I Beauclerc |
1135-1154 | Stephen of Boulogne |
1154-1189 | Henry II |
1189-1199 | Richard I Coeur de Lion |
1199-1216 | John Lackland |
1216-1272 | Henry III |
1272-1307 | Edward I Longshanks |
1307-1327 | Edward II |
1327-1377 | Edward III |
1377-1399 | Richard II |
1399-1413 | Henry IV Bolingbroke |
1413-1422 | Henry V |
1422-1461 | Henry VI |
1461-1483 | Edward IV |
1483-1483 | Edward V |
1483-1485 | Richard III |
1485-1509 | Henry VII |
1509-1547 | Henry VIII |
1547-1553 | Edward VI |
1553-1553 | Jane (Lady Jane Grey) |
1553-1558 | Mary I ("Bloody Mary") |
1558-1603 | Elizabeth I |
1603-1625 | James I |
1625-1649 | Charles I |
1649-1653 | Council of State |
1653-1658 | Oliver Cromwell |
1658-1659 | Richard Cromwell |
1660-1685 | Charles II |
1685-1688 | James II |
1689-1702 | William III |
1689-1694 | Mary II |
1702-1714 | Anne |
1714-1727 | George I |
1727-1760 | George II |
1760-1820 | George III |
1820-1830 | George IV |
1830-1837 | William IV |
1837-1901 | Victoria |
1901-1910 | Edward VII |
1910-1936 | George V |
1936 | Edward VIII |
1936-1952 | George VI |
1952- | Elizabeth II |