Use these flash cards to quiz yourself on SI prefixes.
There are 20 flash cards in this set (4 pages to print.)
To use:
1. Print out the cards.
2. Cut along the dashed lines.
3. Fold along the solid lines.
Sample flash cards in this set:
Questions | Answers |
10 | deca |
10^2 | hecto |
10^3 | kilo |
10^6 | mega |
10^9 | giga |
10^12 | tera |
10^15 | peta |
10^18 | exa |
10^21 | zetta |
10^24 | yotta |
10^-1 | deci |
10^-2 | centi |
10^-3 | milli |
10^-6 | micro |
10^-9 | nano |
10^-12 | pico |
10^-15 | femto |
10^-18 | atto |
10^-21 | zepto |
10^-24 | yocto |