These flash cards cover the scientific names of many different fish.
There are 48 flash cards in this set (8 pages to print.)
To use:
1. Print out the cards.
2. Cut along the dashed lines.
3. Fold along the solid lines.
Sample flash cards in this set:
Questions | Answers |
sea lamprey | petromyzon marinus |
lake sturgeon | acipenser fulvescens |
longnose gar | lepisosteus osseus |
american eel | anguilla rostrata |
bowfin | amia calva |
alewife | alosa psuedoharengus |
blueback herring | alosa aestivalis |
gizzard shad | dorosoma cepedianum |
brown bullhead | ameiurus nebulosus |
yellow bullhead | ameiurus natalis |
trout-perch | percopsis omiscomaycus |
rainbow trout | oncorhynchus mykiss |
brown trout | salmo trutta |
atlantic salmon | salmo salar |
brook trout | salvelinus fontinalis |
lake trout | salvelinus namaycush |
lake herring/cisco | coregonus artedii |
lake whitefish | coregonus clupeaformis |
rainbow smelt | osmerus mordax |
brook stickleback | culea inconstans |
burbot | lota lota |
mottled sculpin | cottus bairdi |
banded killifish | fundulus diaphanus |
chain pickerel | esox niger |
northern pike | esox lucius |
longnose sucker | catostomus catostomus |
white sucker | catostomus commersoni |
yellow perch | perca flavescens |
walleye | sander vitreus |
log perch | percina caprodes |
tesselated darter | etheostoma olmstedi |
carp | cyprinus carpio |
longnose dace | rhinichthyes cataractae |
blacknose dace | rhinichtyhes atratulus |
golden shiner | notemigonus crysoleucas |
common shiner | luxilus cornutus |
spottail shiner | notropis hudsonius |
emerald shiner | notropis atherinpoides |
creek chub | semotilus atromaculatus |
white perch | morone americana |
black crappie | pomoxis nigromaculatus |
white crappie | pomoxis annuularis |
rock bass | amplopites rupestris |
largemouth bass | micropterus salmoides |
smallmouth bass | micropterus dolomieu |
bluegill | lepomis macrochirus |
pumpkinseed | lepomis gibbosus |
brook silverside | labidesthes sicculus |
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