These flashcards cover Spanish words for body parts and illnesses. These words will be very useful if you ever find yourself hurt and in need of a Spanish-speaking doctor!
There are 63 flash cards in this set (11 pages to print.)
To use:
1. Print out the cards.
2. Cut along the dashed lines.
3. Fold along the solid lines.
Sample flash cards in this set:
Questions | Answers |
la cabeza | head |
el cerebro | brain |
los ojos | eyes |
las cejas | eyebrows |
la mejilla | cheek |
la oreja | ear |
la nariz | nose |
la boca | mouth |
los labios | lips |
los dientes | teeth |
la garganta | throat |
el brazo | arm |
el hombro | shoulder |
el codo | elbow |
la mu�eca | wrist |
la mano | hand |
el debo | fingers |
la u�a | finger/toe nail |
la pierna | leg |
el muslo | thigh |
la rodilla | knee |
la pantorilla | calf |
el tobillo | ankle |
el pie | foot |
el debo del pie | toes |
el coraz�n | heart |
el est�mago | stomach |
los pulmones | lungs |
el hueso | bone |
la piel | skin |
la partes del cuerpo | parts of the body |
�Qu� te paso? | What happened to you? |
�Qu� tienes? | What's the matter with you? |
romper | to break |
torcer | to twist |
caerse | to fall |
mismo hierdo | to hurt oneself |
darle un calambre | to get a cramp |
tener in calambre | to have a cramp |
volcar | to bump |
estornudar | to get sick |
enfermarse | to get sick |
estar enfermo | to be sick |
tiene un refriado | to have a cold |
resfriarse | to catch a cold |
tener tos | to have a cold |
cortarse | to cut onself |
quemarse | to get burned/sunburn |
Ahora lo tengo infectado. | Now it's infected. |
Estoy mal. Tengo tos y me duele la garganta. | I'm sick. I have a cough and my throat hurts. |
Tengo un dolor de cabeza que no se me quita. | I have a headache that won't go away. |
calentarse (ie) | to warm up |
�Pobrecito(a)! T�mate unas aspirinas y descansa un poco. | Poor thing! Take some aspirin and rest a bit. |
Qu�date en cama y t�mate este jarabe. | Stay in bed and take this cough syrup. |
tener cuidado | to be careful |
vendarse | to bandage, to wrap |
tomarse unas pastillas | to take some pills |
pnerse | to put on |
el ung�ento | ointment |
la curita | adhesive bandage |
el hielo | ice |
Body part+ estar+ hinchado(a) | _____ is swollen. |
Body part+ estar+ infectado(a) | ______ is infected. |