English and Spanish speakers can learn the names for parts of the human body
There are 39 flash cards in this set (7 pages to print.)
To use:
1. Print out the cards.
2. Cut along the dashed lines.
3. Fold along the solid lines.
Sample flash cards in this set:
Questions | Answers |
the foot | el pie |
the leg | la pierna |
the hip | la cadera |
the waist | la cintura |
the abdomen | el abdomen |
the neck | el cuello |
the head | la cabeza |
the hand | la mano |
the arm | el brazo |
the shoulder | el hombro |
the back | la espalda |
the buttocks | las nalgas |
the chest | el pecho |
the elbow | el codo |
the thigh | el muslo |
the knee | la rodilla |
the calf | la pantorrilla |
the hair | el cabello |
the forehead | la frente |
the nose | la nariz |
the mouth | la boca |
the jaw | la mand�bula |
the gums | las enc�as |
the teeth | los dientes |
the tongue | la lengua |
the eyes | los ojos |
the cheek | la mejilla |
the lip | el labio |
the chin | la barbilla |
the eyebrow | la ceja |
the eyelid | el p�rpado |
the eyelashes | las pesta�as |
the wrist | la mu�eca |
the stomach | el est�mago |
the ankle | el tobillo |
the throat | la garganta |
the ear | la oreja |
the body | el cuerpo |
the inner ears | los o�dos |