Use these flashcards to learn common words related to transportation
There are 31 flash cards in this set (6 pages to print.)
To use:
1. Print out the cards.
2. Cut along the dashed lines.
3. Fold along the solid lines.
Sample flash cards in this set:
Questions | Answers |
el aeropuerto | airport |
el banco | bank |
el cafe | cafe |
el centro | center of the city |
el correo | post office |
el hotel | hotel |
la carniceria | butcher shop |
la estacion de auto buses | bus station |
la farmacia | pharmacy |
la iglesia | church |
la joyeria | jewerly store |
la liberia | book store |
la panaderia | bread store |
la papeleria | stationery store |
la pasteleria | pastry store |
la plaza | plaza (market place) |
la tiende de musica y videos | music/video store |
la zapateria | shoe store |
el camino | way, road |
la avenida | avenue |
la calle | street |
la direccion | address |
a pie | on foot, walking |
la moto (cicleta) | motocycle |
el autobus | bus |
el avion | plane |
el barco | ship |
el carro | car |
el taxi | taki |
el metro | subway |
el tren | train |