Printable Flash Cards
State Mottos template

Sample flash cards in this set:


This set includes the following cards:
AlabamaAudemus jura nostra defendere / (We dare defend our rights)
AlaskaNorth to the future
ArizonaDitat Deus / (God enriches)
ArkansasRegnat populus / (The people rule)
CaliforniaEureka (Εὕρηκα) / (I have found it)
ColoradoNil sine numine / (Nothing without the Deity)
ConnecticutQui transtulit sustinet / (He who transplanted sustains)
DelawareLiberty and Independence
District of ColumbiaJustitia Omnibus / (Justice for All)
FloridaIn God We Trust
GeorgiaWisdom, justice, and moderation
HawaiiUa mau ke ea o ka ʻāina i ka pono / (The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.)
IdahoEsto perpetua / (Let it be perpetual)
IllinoisState sovereignty, national union
IndianaThe Crossroads of America
IowaOur liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain
KansasAd astra per aspera / (To the stars through difficulties)
KentuckyUnited we stand, divided we fall / Deo gratiam habeamus (Let us be grateful to God)
LouisianaUnion, justice, confidence
MaineDirigo / (I lead)
MarylandFatti maschii, parole femine / (Manly deeds, womanly words)
MassachusettsEnse petit placidam sub libertate quietem / (By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty)
MichiganSi quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice / (If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look around you)
MinnesotaL'�toile du Nord / (The star of the North)
MississippiVirtute et armis / (By valor and arms)
MissouriSalus populi suprema lex esto / (Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law)
MontanaOro y plata / (Gold and silver)
NebraskaEquality before the law
NevadaAll For Our Country and Battle Born
New HampshireLive Free or Die
New JerseyLiberty and prosperity
New MexicoCrescit eundo / (It grows as it goes)
New YorkExcelsior / (Ever upward)
North CarolinaEsse quam videri / (To be, rather than to seem)
North DakotaLiberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable / Serit ut alteri saeclo prosit (One sows for the benefit of another age)
OhioWith God, all things are possible
OklahomaLabor omnia vincit / (Labor conquers all things)
OregonAlis volat propriis / (She flies with her own wings)
PennsylvaniaVirtue, Liberty, and Independence
Rhode IslandHope
South CarolinaDum spiro spero (While I breathe, I hope) / Animis opibusque parati (Ready in soul and resource)
South DakotaUnder God the people rule
TennesseeAgriculture and Commerce
VermontFreedom and Unity
VirginiaSic semper tyrannis / (Thus always to tyrants)
WashingtonAl-ki / (By and by)
West VirginiaMontani semper liberi / (Mountaineers are always free)
WyomingEqual Rights

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