Printable Flash Cards
Terms of Rhetoric for Writing and Speech template

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This set includes the following cards:
allegoryAn extended metaphor
anastropheInversion or reversal of the usual order of words.
allusionA reference in a written or spoken text to another text or to some particular body of knowledge
anthimeriaThe substitution of one part of speech for another.
antithesisThe juxtaposition of contrasting words or ideas, often in parallel structure
hyperboleAn exaggeration for effect.
meiosisRepresentation of a thing as less than it really is to compel greater esteem for it.
oxymoronJuxtaposed words with seemingly contradictory meanings.
paralipsisIrony in which one proposes to pass over a matter, but subtly reveals it.
perorationIn ancient Roman oratory, the part of a speech in which the speaker would draw together the entire argument and include material designed to compel the audience to think or act in a way consonant with the central argument.
protagonistThe major character in a piece of literature; the figure in the narrative whose interests the reader is most concerned about and sympathetic toward.
repertoireA set of assumptions, skills, facts, and experience that a reader brings to a text to make meaning.
syllogismLogical reasoning from inarguable premises.
synecdocheA part of something used to refer to the whole.
chiasmusInverted relationship between two elements in two parallel phrases.
isocolonParallel elements that are similar in structure and in length.
mnemonic deviceA systematic aid to memory.
anadiplosisThe repetition of the last word of one clause at the beginning of the following clause.
onomatopoeiaA literary device in which the sound of a word is related to its meaning.
anaphoraThe repetition of a group of words at the beginning of successive clauses
antecedent-consequence relationshipThe relationship expressed by "if...then" reasoning

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